Hello! my name is max/austin i am 14 i go by she/he i am genderfluid and pansexual !!
⊹ ˚ ⋆ .ılı.llı. ⋆ ˚ ⊹

BYI i don't accept friend reqs we need to talk more before friending each other, I reply very late to messages because am very busy! i use caps alot but i can always talk without caps!DNI transphobes/homophobes, NSFW accounts/artists , proshippers etc

⊹ ˚ ⋆ .ılı.llı. ⋆ ˚ ⊹

Socals + discord

woof#2222 or Henrysaxe ♡#0644(LOOK AT BYI BEFORE FRIENDING ME)

Vocaloid - Hatsune Miku